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Saturday, March 17, 2007

Chubby Tom with a content laugh?

Saturday already.. Time flies when you're content. Content feels like the good definition. Having fun is something else, I would say. Have not really dived into the town athmosphere totally. Prefer to hold on to the recluse feeling, being a hermit. And outside it is pouring again, so there is little reason to go out anyway.. Love my little rituals that seem to be forming. The daily coffee at Blenz, every few days some shopping for groceries and organic bread (organic is just as big here as it is in California) at Choices. Have bought iPod speakers along with my Mac, so no need to buy more CD's every day. Want to write more, but the internet is distracting me. Am almost through with the Beatles biography. I just love biographies, they give so much insight into the times. Am now in 1965, when London was changing fast into Swinging London (from good closing to good opening). And the Beatles went with it, after first discovering feedback they kept trying out new studio tricks. Did you know that John Lennon once proposed they hang him from the ceiling and sway him around a microphone placed on the floor, because he wanted to sound like the Dalai Lama chanting from a hilltop?

Have been swimming twice now, but it is different here. My body condition is terrible (still sleepy, I know, I should be over it, but what can I say, I always take this long). No coach to criticize and no one to whine to. What will I do with my life's slogan "een dag niet gekankerd is een dag niet geleefd" (a day without a whine is a day without a life, anyone for a better translation?). Perhaps I should give swimming up for a few months and turn into a chubby old queen? With one of those resounding laughs, always being the cosy, and funny type? Wouldn't I be a nice Paul de Leeuw look-a-like? Hmm, let's think about that for a little longer.


Anonymous said...

Niks stoppen met zwemmen, niks 'Tom de Leeuw', niks 'Chubby Tommy'! Gewoon doorgaan met baantjes trekken. Iedere dag even een uurtje het water in. Ik wil je direct herkennen als je op me staat te wachten in de aankomsthal!

Tom Kniesmeijer said...

En ik maar denken dat het om het innerlijk draait in het leven. Nou ja, ben vanochtend weer het water in gedoken, voor een van de trainingen die Cor (GSA-trainer) wel zou aanstaan, denk ik. In ieder geval ben ik na 50 minuten het water uitgekropen.