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Saturday, August 25, 2007

The Library Ultimatum

Another confirmation, always a high point of the day. Was reading a book on the sixties revolution, in which the writer, to his own surprise, found many similarities between the end of the sixties and the beginning of the nineties, when he was writing his book. Exactly my point, and always good to find a quote by someone else that supports my line of thinking. Was the last day in the British Library though/shame, liked it there. Today Marcel and I had a quiet day in the back garden and afterwards walked through Soho. Hot.
In the end we decided to go see The Bourne Ultimatum in a climate controlled theater. Good action movie, moving along like a roller coaster. And a lot of links with the current time frame. Bourne is searching for his identity, his true being he wants to restore, since it was once, years ago, stolen from him by the CIA. It was his 'winter' attitude of righteousness and putting things right, living up to his personal morals (again), against the nihilistic 'autumn' attitude of the powers that be. Interesting movie to discuss. Should be too. How do Londoners manage life? We payed more than 50 euro to watch the movie together.. Good seats though.

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